Monday, March 31, 2014

Implementation of Nose-Hoover thermostat using Predictor Corrector in Molecular Dynamics

In molecular dynamics (MD) simulations temperature can be controlled via numerous methods. Out of those methods the most popular method is Nose-Hoover (NH) thermostat. The steps that are to be followed to implement NH equations in MD using Predictor Corrector algorithm is a bit challenging. So, I decided to lay an outline for the same. The steps are:

1. Prior to entering the main MD loop, evaluate forces [through a function called force( ) ]once and initialize the damping parameters (call it ${\eta}$) at 0.

2. In the main MD loop (let us say you want N simulations) call a function [let us say integrate( ) ] that evaluates the updated position and velocities

3. Within integrate( ):
    3.1. Predictor Steps: 
          3.1.a) Evaluate force( ) and let us say is stored in a vector called ${F}$

          3.1.b) Predict the updated positions through:
 ${x\left(t+h\right) = x\left(t\right) + v\left(t\right)h + \dfrac{1}{2}a\left(t\right)h^2 + \dfrac{1}{6}b\left(t\right)h^3}$

          3.1.c) Predict the updated velocities through:
 ${v\left(t+h\right) = v\left(t\right) + a\left(t\right)h + \dfrac{1}{2}b\left(t\right)h^2}$

          3.1.d) Predict the updated forces through:
 ${F\left(t+h\right) = F\left(t\right) + b\left(t\right)h}$

          3.1.e) Evaluate whether the predicted positions satisfy the periodic boundary conditions

   3.2.  Corrector Steps:
          3.1.a) Evaluate force( ) let us say the force output is stored in vector ${F_{new}\left(t+h\right)}$

          3.1.b) Update the new force to reflect the effect from bath:
${F_{new}\left(t+h\right)=F_{new}\left(t+h\right)-\eta v\left( t+h \right)}$ 

          3.1.c) Calculate the difference between the ${F_{new}}$ and ${F}$:
  ${factor = F_{new}\left(t+h\right) - F\left(t+h\right)}$

          3.1.d) Correct the updated positions through:
${x_c\left(t+h\right) = x\left(t+h\right) + p \times factor h^2}$

          3.1.e) Correct the updated velocities through:
${v_c\left(t+h\right) = v\left(t+h\right) + q \times factor h}$     

          3.1.f) Correct the updated forces through:
${F_c\left(t+h\right) = F\left(t+h\right) + r \times factor}$

          3.1.g) Correct the updated b through:
 ${b_c\left(t+h\right) = b\left(t+h\right) + \dfrac{s \times factor}{h}}$ 

          3.1.h) Check for periodic boundary conditions with the updated corrected positions

   3.3.  Update eta with the expression using NH equations of motion

4. Repeat step 3 till N simulations are complete.

NOTE: In Gear's algorithm: ${p = 1/12, q = 5/12, r = 1}$ and ${s = 1}$
PS: Please feel free to contact if you need any help or if you find any mistakes

Matlab and C codes for a single harmonic oscillator coupled with a Nose-Hoover thermostat

A single harmonic oscillator represents a very useful case for understanding the principles of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Today, I finished coding in Matlab and in C. The matlab files and C file can be downloaded from the following links:
Matlab Files:
C File:
For running matlab file download both nh.m and main.m in the same folder and then run main.m. Matlab uses ODE45 solver, which is not that great!
Standard 4th order Runge Kutta solver is used in nh.c. Output is stored in the file hh.dat. On Linux based systems run the following commands:
1. gcc nh.c -lm -g
2. ./a.out

If you find any mistake in the code, let me know. And if you like this code, drop a message :-). In case of any queries, again drop a message. I would be happy to resolve queries.

Automated snapshots every few seconds with Webcam

I have written a few simple shell scripts to take automated snapshots using webcam every 10s. The captured snapshots are transferred to desired folder. Files older than a few days are automatically deleted.
A simple application of these shell scripts can be in enhancing security and monitoring who enters the complex. Consumes negligible cpu time. Downside is - can only be used in Linux systems, works as long as your system where webcam is connected is up and running and uses up hard disk.
FILE 1: Store the following code in Runs an automated script to take the picture and delete snapshots older than 10 days. Performs no action for 10 seconds
while [ 1 ]; do
    echo "Hell yeah!"
    sleep 10
FILE 2: Store the following code in Runs an automated script to take the picture and stores it in desired folder
# Path where to store taken snapshots
# Device locatation of webcam many webcams have default device in /dev/video0
# Stored grabbed picture filename prefix
# gets the current date and time and adds to set filename prefix
date_cur=${\$}$(date +%k_%d_%m_%Y|sed -e 's/^ *//');
time_cur=${\$}$(date +"%T")
streamer -f jpeg -o ${\$}$STORE_PATH/${\$}$FILE_NAME_PREF.${\$}$date_cur.${\$}$time_cur.jpeg
FILE 3: Store the following code in Runs an automated script to delete snapshots older than 10 days 
#path of the folder where files are located. To be obtained through pwd command
cd /home/USERNAME/Desktop/
#delete log files older than 10 days
find . -iname '*.jpeg' -mtime +10 -exec rm -f {} \;
Store all the files in a particular folder. To run the code: navigate to the folder where the files are stored. Open the terminal and then run: ./
If you find any bug with the code, please feel free to contact :)

Pressure-Volume relationship for ideal gas undergoing adiabatic compression

So now you know molecular dynamics and you want to implement your code for some real world problem. Let us see what is the first problem that you should attempt. You all know about adiabatic compression/expansion of gases. In general a reversible adiabatic process is isentropic i.e. there is no change in entropy during the transition. But, you also know that in reality no process is a reversible process. So, let us study what happens to the entropy when the adiabatic compression is no longer reversible i.e. the process occurs at a finite rate.

You may be wondering why an isothermal process not chosen in the beginning. The reason is very simple. Remember that the first law of thermodynamics is sacrosanct (The second law is not and is valid only in statistical limit). From first law of thermodynamics we know that:

${\Delta Q = \Delta U + \Delta W}$

Here ${\Delta Q}$ represents heat flowing into/out of the system, ${\Delta U}$ represents the change in internal energy of the system and ${\Delta W}$ represents the work done by the system. For an isothermal process, ${\Delta U}$ is zero. Therefore, ${\Delta W}$ is equal to ${\Delta Q}$. But the problem is: in molecular dynamics neither calculating heat flowing into/out of the system is trivial nor is the process of keeping the system in constant temperature. For an adiabatic process, ${\Delta Q}$ is zero and thus, ${\Delta W}$ is equal to ${\Delta U}$. The change in internal energy can be calculated very easily. For example, in case of ideal gases, it is simply equal to final kinetic energy - initial kinetic energy. Consequently, it becomes extremely simple and intuitive to employ adiabatic transition process. Similar problem is done in: Phys. Teach. 41, 450 (2003); doi: 10.1119/1.1625202. We would deal with constant temperature molecular dynamics at a later stage.

Now, that we have understood why an isothermal process needs to be avoided, let us look at the theoretical aspect of the adiabatic transition process. Again for simplicity, we are looking at an ideal gas in a configuration as shown in the figure below. Both the masses have negligible height.

The process with which we are simulating gas expansion is by removal of the mass $m$.  As a result of removal of mass, gas lying in region A expands. Let the initial state of the system be denoted by $P_0,V_0,T_0$, and the final state by $P_1,V_1,T_1$. The final state is now dependent on how is the mass $m$ getting removed. 
Let us assume that the mass $m$ is removed instantly. The initial energy of the system comprises of the internal energy of the gas + potential energy of the masses. The internal energy of an equilibrated gas is given by ${U_{gas}=PV/\left(\gamma-1\right)}$. Consider the datum to be such that the potential energy of the masses is zero. Let the gas expand up to a height of $h$. From the first law of thermodynamics, the internal energy of the system remains constant i.e.

${\dfrac{P_0V_0}{\gamma-1} =  \dfrac{P_1V_1}{\gamma-1} + Mgh}$

Now, in its final position, the pressure with the gas would be such that the force would balance the weight due to mass $M$ i.e.

The final volume can also be related to height through: ${V_1=V_0 + Ah}$. Here, $A$ is the surface area. Substituting everything back to second last equation results in:
${\dfrac{P_0V_0}{\gamma-1} =  \dfrac{P_1V_1}{\gamma-1} + P_1\left(V_1-V_0\right)}$

From this equation it is now possible to plot the Pressure-Volume diagram of the gas and integrate the PV diagram to obtain the work. Interestingly, the approach of force balancing until equilibration occurs is wrong. The reason being it is theoretically impossible to define and quantify the force during the transition process. The approach via energy as shown before is simple and easy to follow. Since, entropy is a state function, determination of increase/decrease of entropy is dependent on our ability to calculate the "state" in which the system is. We can calculate the state of the system through the method highlighted before.

In the previous part we have made an implicit assumption that post compression, given sufficient time, the system would result in a new equilibrium state which is characterized by ${P_1, V_1, T_1}$. Let us now redefine the problem. We want to calculate the entropy when there is an irreversible adiabatic expansion/compression occurring using molecular dynamics . So, the problem now becomes determination of updated Pressure $P_1$ and updated temperature $T_1$ to characterize the compressed state of the system.

We assume that the piston (which expands the gas) particles interact with the gas particles through a hard-sphere type potential i.e. upon collision with piston particles, the gas molecules are instantly reflected elastically. Now, since the piston is moving at a finite rate, the reflected velocity of the gas molecules would be their pre-collision velocity - piston-velocity. This kind of a model also ensures that work is done on the system by the piston. Rate of compression can be controlled by altering the piston-speed.  If the speed is very high, this would imply instant removal of the mass $m$ as highlighted before. A low speed indicates gradual removal of the mass $m$. I will put up MATLAB code based on the previously given format in some time.

Molecular Dynamics Simulation Code in MATLAB

While I started working on Molecular Dynamics, I wanted to take a look at a sample code. But, I could not find any code especially in MATLAB. For those who need the molecular dynamics code in MATLAB, download the attached files. Codes utilize reduced units and takes into account pairwise Lennard-Jones interaction

main.m is the main file which contains all the details about other functions
initialize.m is a function  which initializes all the variables
eval_force.m is a function for calculating force
integrate.m is a function for calculating the update position and velocities
print_init.m is a function to print initial datasets
print_traj.m is used for printing the trajectories (in LAMMPS format) which can be viewed using VMD
visualize.m is used instant visualization of results

Download link is attached below: