
Journal Articles:


1. Patra, P.K. and Bhattacharya B. "An assessment of IS codal provisions for the design of low rise steel moment frames through incremental dynamic analysis." Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 9.2 (2011): 581-602. (Link)

2. Patra, P. K., and Bhattacharya B. "A deterministic thermostat for controlling temperature using all degrees of freedom." The Journal of chemical physics 140.6 (2014): 064106. (Link)
(Selected as the silver prize winning work in Shell India Computational Talent Prize, 2014, from amongst more than 100 top quality works pan India)

3. Patra, P.K. and Bhattacharya B. "Nonergodicity of the Nose-Hoover chain thermostat in computationally achievable time." Physical Review E, 90, (2014) 043304. (Link)
(Featured in Kaleidoscope section of PRE)

4. Patra, P.K.,  Sprott, J.C., Hoover, W.G. and Hoover C.G., "Deterministic time-reversible thermostats: chaos, ergodicity, and the zeroth law of thermodynamics." Molecular Physics

5. Patra, P.K. and Bhattacharya B. "An ergodic configurational thermostat using selective control of higher order temperatures." The Journal of chemical physics 142.19 (2015): 194103.

6.  Patra, P. K., Meléndez, M., & Bhattacharya, B. (2014). Approximating the entire spectrum of nonequilibrium steady state distributions using relative entropy: An application to thermal conduction. Physical Review E, (in press) (Link)


1.  Patra, P.K. and Bhattacharya B. "Improving the ergodic characteristics of thermostats using higher order temperatures."
2. Patra, P.K. and Bhattacharya B, "Extracting equilibrium information from nonequilibrium steady states through nonequilibrium paths.", Under Preparation

3. Work with Prof. William G. Hoover on zeroth law - thermostats to be updated soon

4. Work with Prof. Baidurya Bhattacharya on poor performance of Modified-Morse potential in equilibrium, to be updated soon.

Under Preparation

Conference Articles:

1. Patra P.K, Doshi K and Vhanmane S.C., "Effect of Uniaxial Compressive Load and Initially Imperfect Stiffener on Effective Breadth of Attached Plating to Stiffener", International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Kharagpur, India, 2010 (Link)

2. Vhanmane S.C. and Patra P.K., Assessment of the Uncertainty in Ship Hull Girder Reliability Index based on Ultimate Limit States, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2010 (Link)

3. Patra, P.K. and Bhattacharya B., "Non-Ergodicity of Nosé-Hoover Chain Dynamics", International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Kharagpur, India, 2014

4.  Patra, P.K. and Bhattacharya B., "Advantages of a deterministic thermostat utilizing the entire phase space over other thermostatting techniques", International Conference on Theoretical, Applied, Computational and Experimental Mechanics, Kharagpur, India, 2014

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