Monday, March 31, 2014

Automated snapshots every few seconds with Webcam

I have written a few simple shell scripts to take automated snapshots using webcam every 10s. The captured snapshots are transferred to desired folder. Files older than a few days are automatically deleted.
A simple application of these shell scripts can be in enhancing security and monitoring who enters the complex. Consumes negligible cpu time. Downside is - can only be used in Linux systems, works as long as your system where webcam is connected is up and running and uses up hard disk.
FILE 1: Store the following code in Runs an automated script to take the picture and delete snapshots older than 10 days. Performs no action for 10 seconds
while [ 1 ]; do
    echo "Hell yeah!"
    sleep 10
FILE 2: Store the following code in Runs an automated script to take the picture and stores it in desired folder
# Path where to store taken snapshots
# Device locatation of webcam many webcams have default device in /dev/video0
# Stored grabbed picture filename prefix
# gets the current date and time and adds to set filename prefix
date_cur=${\$}$(date +%k_%d_%m_%Y|sed -e 's/^ *//');
time_cur=${\$}$(date +"%T")
streamer -f jpeg -o ${\$}$STORE_PATH/${\$}$FILE_NAME_PREF.${\$}$date_cur.${\$}$time_cur.jpeg
FILE 3: Store the following code in Runs an automated script to delete snapshots older than 10 days 
#path of the folder where files are located. To be obtained through pwd command
cd /home/USERNAME/Desktop/
#delete log files older than 10 days
find . -iname '*.jpeg' -mtime +10 -exec rm -f {} \;
Store all the files in a particular folder. To run the code: navigate to the folder where the files are stored. Open the terminal and then run: ./
If you find any bug with the code, please feel free to contact :)

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